Phone:         (914) 277-4977


Address:    The Elephant Hotel
335 Route 202, 3rd floor
Somers, NY 10589

Somers History In:

click on images

The Journal News
The Somers Record
(p. 43) the Pratt Institute alumnae magazine

Clay-on-glass animation  (click on image )

"The Elephant's Song,"  based on the story
of Old Bet, is a provocative, 7 minute  
clay-on-glass animated film directed by
noted animator Lynn Tomlinson.  Since its
introduction on the independent film circuit,
the film has garnered countless awards,

Click on the icons to play

"The Big Story of Old Bet"

American Countryside podcast series of three,
January 8,9,10, 2019


Our SoundCloud channel, Somersnyhistoryspeak, features stories
derived from our Mabel Addis oral history collection introduced by
Hudson Valley Master Storyteller Jonathan Kruk, pictured above.


We are working to create a
more streamlined website .  

Although the offices & galleries of Somers Historical Society are closed,   we are
working with Somers Town Historian to  fulfill research requests & schedule virtual
appointments via ZOOM.  Contact us
at to schedule an appointment.  

where you can send us a private message.
Our Facebook page is our daily communications portal to you so

"Like" us,  follow us, keep informed & join in the conversations.  

Mask up.  Be well. Visit us online.

Visit our digital collections, audio & visual, on our
Exhibits/Collections page;

Access other local history links from our
Resources page  

The Covid-19 Pandemic Archive Collection Project

In partnership with Somers Historical Society,
the Somers Central School District is helping document these
historic times by collecting primary sources from students to be
contributed to the Society's newly created
Covid-19 Pandemic Archive.

Here is one of the first student contributions to the archive.
Students Spotlight

MAX CARON, Somers High School Class of 2020, received his Eagle Scout
Award for completing a restoration project of a 1917 Ford Model T bequest to
the Town of Somers by Caroline Wright Reis in 1967.  See his project at
Max began his project during the 50th anniversary year of Mrs. Reis' bequest to
the Town (2017) which happened to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the
car's model year, 1917. He worked under the guidance of Society Trustee Arnie
Guyot and Master Mechanic Tom Leonard.

Somers Historical Society acts as steward of the Town of Somers Wright Reis
Collection, of which the Model T is part.  It is one of two cars bequest to the
Town of Somers by Caroline Wright Reis in 1967. The other is a 1941 Nash.

*    *    *

JARED HELLER, Somers HIgh School Class of 2019, created a geneaology of
early Somers residents AND a geneaology of ownership of the Town's landmark
Wright Reis Homestead as his WISE (Wise Individualized Senior Experience) at
Somers High School.   The former, can be seen at
www.somersny.tribalpagescom and the later in the Wright Reis Homestead.  
Our thanks to Jared for creating two valuable resources for researchers!  In the
future, additions such as people, photographs and  documents, may be added
to the website.  It is a living treasure and wonderful addition to
our resources
View the programs and ceremonies
in collaboration with the
Town of Somers as a service

to the community during
the Covid-19 pandemic.

Somers History at Home
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Woody Guthrie Hootenanny
September 11 Commemoration
Santa's Magical History Tour

Celebrate World Circus Day  with us
virtually on YouTube April 17th!  

Read the latest about our heritage on
Roadside America